Friday, July 1, 2011

And Like This


  1. So now I"m deeply curious about what "takeover Sundays" are?

  2. I used to be a member of this church. The quote comes from their website. (

    "Get ready for a takeover of God’s power! Our Youth & Young Adult Ministry empowers young people with core Christian principles – principles that serve as the foundation for youth to influence their culture for Christ.Held in The Living Room, the exciting "Takeover" services enlist the creative and fine arts arm of the Youth & Young Adults Department, and features dancers, rappers, dramatic skits, singing, DJ’s, and the spoken word."

    I hope that one day I will have worship services that look like this.

  3. Tony,

    I so easily can see you at work in a context similar, but of your own making. You have been called by God to serve and as I watch the videos you have helped to create I see a man who is creative, passionate, and a blessing to others through the work you are already doing.

    I know it's easy to want to strive to be something else that we see as a wonderful example, but I think you are already that wonderful example and should continue on the path you are already on.

    I am excited to see how videos, which I haven't thought much about in my ministry context, can really have a place because of the various video concepts you have posted on your blog.

    Continue to be the blessing God is calling you to be!
