Friday, July 1, 2011

Knowing My Purpose

I've been discussing and displaying different uses of media tech in the parish as I have seen and used.  I have never considered writing a blog as part of my arsenal of tools I could use to reach people within my congregation and, perhaps, reach people I have yet to meet or know.  This exercise has helped me to see how this could be a very effective tool to do just that.  However, I don't consider myself a writer.  It is not my most effective means of communication nor is it the means of communication that I am most comfortable using.  Therefore, I have trouble envisioning myself as one who would blog this way on any kind of consistent basis, certainly not for very long.  However, I could see myself using video and posting video as part of a blog, whereby the video does most of the talking.

It has been said that I would probably end up on TV, as in some type of televangelist.  I don't really see myself in that way, but I could see where video postings of my work in the pulpit, ultimately wind up in a blog or on a website.  The video example included in this post is an example of what most people think of when talking about preaching and using media tech.  I love TD Jakes.  I think he's a phenomenal speaker, preacher and teacher.  I will never be a TD Jakes.  I have to be the best Tony Fair I could be, therefore, even in using media tech, as TD Jakes uses it here, I hope to be very different.  And, by the grace of God, I'll be half as effective.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus was a man of action - teaching and preaching, healing and praying. And look how effective he was without ever writing a word down on a scroll. I don't now that he even knew how to write. The beauty of social media is that it doesn't rely on blogs, tweets or posts to engage its users. Use what you know and how to do it with your parishioners and you will be great in their eyes.
