Friday, June 10, 2011

Redeemer Jump Crew

This is my first attempt to embed video.  I hope this works.

This would be a video of a group of guys I knew who spearhead missional outreach in North Minneapolis.


  1. It worked! And THANKS for sharing this!

  2. Tony, Than you for the video link - they're awesome. I was struck first by all the youth in the frames and the contrast between the medium and the baptismal font that was in the frames for part of their performance, but most of all by the intensity of energy and emotion for God. See where Redeemer Jump Crew is on Facebook too and hope to see more of them in North Minneapolis.

  3. Hello 3rd times a charm, I'll try again to send this response for some reason they aren't going through? But I found this ministry through music to be a way of reaching others in our pop culture society

  4. Tony - I hit the wrong button and lost my initial comment so I'll try to capture some of what I was driving at. I observed that the white kids in the audience didn't quite have the rhythm or the zeal to respond quite the way the jumping guys who rapped "go to church!" did and I'm wondering how that translates on the the web. I believe studies have shown that more white folks are on the web than black folks and I wonder if that's a cultural and relational issue in that it seems to me that black folks know much more about how to live in face to face community than others. I know I over generalizing and I don't mean to imply this is prevalent, just wondering if the response to virtual relationships has more to do with culture and practice than we think. thanks for sharing the video clip - go to church!
